Today I have learnt a lot about the most common question international students have when they are selecting their future university studies and what they need to know to be able to decide what and where to study. For all students, especially if you are aspiring to study abroad, this is a big decision which can impact your whole future. Joachim Ekström, head of unit at Communications Division, Student Recruitment know all about this as he travels the world to inform about the university’s master’s programmes. Luckily he didn’t have to travel far today, as his office is only a short distance from the Department of ALM, where he met Amalia and me to talk about the university’s work with international communication.
Besides telling us what to think about when writing to inform presumptive students about what the programme in digital humanities can offer them, Joachim showed how much information that is already out there about being a student in Uppsala. Check out these resources to help you getting to know Uppsala from a distance!
At the blog #taggedforuppsala, you can follow the every day-life and experiences of international students in Uppsala. Most interesting, also for me that have lived in this city for almost my whole life!
Most of the courses at the Masterprogramme for Digitial Humanities will be taught at Campus Engelska Parken (The English Park). In the guide to the different campus areas, you find a map of Campus Engelska Parken and you can also watch the film and see your future study environment with your own eyes.
This and much more useful information you can find at the site for master’s programmes at Uppsala University.
A close up of the Lithuanian šakotis-cake that our guest doctoral candidate Nadia Cherepan brought for the coffee break today. A yummy symbol for the international environment at the Department of ALM!